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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bile Manusia Mengejar Kepuasan .... Impian menjadi kenyataan ~ Dream come true

"We set ourselves limits, but we are all strong enough to aim higher, to achieve our goals. All we have to do is find such strength within ourselves. Know how to develop it"

Kata2 diatas dipetik dari seorang pemanjat bangunan terkemuka di dunia. Hanya seorang insan biasa yang tidak pernah kenal mengerti putus asa. ALIAN ROBERT merupakan pendaki solo yang telah banyak menawan bangunan2 tinggi di dunia. Antara puncak yang telah ditawan ialah bangunan KLCC ataupon Petronas Twin Tower. Yang terbaru berjaya "ditumpaskan" ialah BURJ KHALIFA , DUBAI .

Kalu kita lihat teknik atau skill memanjat yang ada pada ALIAN ROBERT adalah mamat nie hanya mengunnakan

a) Kapur untuk mengering tangan
b) Kasut khas untuk memanjat

Tanpa menggunakan sebarang alat keselamatan seperti helmet keselamatan dan tali abseiling @ abseiling rope , betape bahayanye risiko jika tergelicir , memang selamat lah mamat nie ....kakakaka Memang terus wat kenduri arwah lah alamatnyer . huhuhu . Tapi setelah hampir 14 tahun dengan hobi gila nie , tiada kemalangan serius berlaku kat die . Betapa PRO mamat nie , memang tak dinafikan. Setakat nie belum pernah ada manusia yang sama taraf dengan apa yang telah dicapaikan .

Apa yang kita dapat belajau dari mamat nie ialah
a) Kita mesti tau ape kita nyer limitation
b) Kita mesti letak target yang lebih ; luar dari kemampuan fikiran manusia biasa
c) Tapi dengan satu syarat kite perlu tahu apa kekuatan pada diri dan cuba bangunkan kekuatan tersebut .

Satu pemikir yang yang den suka pada orang puteh nie , depa nie suka melakukan aktiviti yang pelik2 bagi mengejar kepuasan diri huhuhuhu .....

OK ..... Enough For Tonight ...! THINK LIKE THEM BUT OUR SOUL STILL AS MUSLIM ....

Moral Values : Impossible Is Nothing kakakakakakaka .... Member den suka gune ayat nie ......

Picture Source : burjdubaiphotos.blogspot.com ; www.roslihanip.com -Appreciated others work huhuhu ..... Edited by me .....

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Today,i create one new history for my life. We love our earth . So, we must to keep sustainable to our next generation. We stand together to support EARTH HOUR 2011. Actually i just knew this event during my last semester at my university. At first, i don't know what is EARTH HOUR movement. I know it form my room mate , Adli. He put the wallpaper at his computer and write blog about this. I' trying to understand what the meaning of this. I ask him;

"Adli, ape 2 Earth Hour"- What is this ?

"Oh.. time nie kite tutup semua lampu selama sejam. Satu dunia wat macam nie untuk mengurangkan global warming" - Oh .. this time we just switch off all light in 1 hour. All people in the world celebrate this for decrease impact of global warming.

"Oh ... gitu"- Oh i seee.....

So, start from that i knew about this but no action to do. I look others celebrate it at my college and they happy together with smile face ........

Today in 2011 , i don't want be spectator but as participant. After i read from the FACEBOOK post on 6: 30 pm, i search through EARTH HOUR website for make sure when it happen. Oh ... today on 8:30 pm ... i just have 2 hour. I MUST DO SOMETHING & enjoy the celebration together with other supporters . From New Street Times~ Malaysia Top English Newspaper, about public place with private sector support this event. There are several place in Malaysia mostly at Kuala Lumpur . One of the famous among the urban people is KLCC - Petronas Twin Tower. The tallest buildins in the world from 1998 to 2004 until surpassed by Taipei 101, but remain the tallest twin tower buildings in the world~Wikipedia.

8:00 pm - Leave from my house

I have about 30 minutes to reach KLCC. Aaaaa whatever in the front my face it and be a part of them. I took federal Highway Then , after Sungai Besi Toll Plaza take SMART for avoid traffic jam.

8:25 PM - Stuck in the car

5 minute left before time begin. At traffic light in front of Suria KLCC entrance, i thought i can't saw the scene when the KLCC turn off their light. Below image i takefrom my car, just 2 minute before 8:30 pm.

8:40 PM - Reach the KLCC Park

When i reach, hundred of people in the park also thinking same like me. "WE WANT TO SAVE OUR PLANET". They leave their home early and be the one witness saw the tallest building in Malaysia turn from bright become dark. Unfortunately, i can't saw it but for the next scene i will not miss it ..hahahhahahaha BE THE WHO SAW THE KLCC TURN ON THEIR LIGHT.


Don't be the man who waste their time. I went to mosque, and pray to ALLAH S.W.T as salve to HIM. Pray to the god as expression because put in my hearth an awareness. I knew my effort is small for my lovely earth but if i not start now my children also don't want to do and act same like me forever. I don't want they thinking like that. I must train myself 1st before i teach my children in the future. HUhuhu ... i want they be better than me ...... Insyallah .......huhuhu

9:30 PM - The End of the Time

All people stood up and saw the prestigious time when the light turn on slowly form the top to below of the tower .... Slowly2 .. light warming up ..... and then dark disappeared from our eyes. We clap together and i felt so proud because i succeed to save my planet ... I can't write what i feel at that time just can said that happy and satisfied.

Time show at beside building;

Start to turn on ..........;

Completely Turn on ...... huhuhuhu ;

Me at SURIA KLCC PARK ................

Moral Value :
A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Flying With Wings Huhu ...... KL TOWER ...

When u want something different for late dinner, the right choose is u should go far from crowded place kakaka ....... It does not mean that you must go inside jungle. There are many place at KL area provide whatever taste u want. For me, this time i choose to have dinner on the "sky". I want to go "up "not "beside"kakaka. KL TOWER just nice place for dinner. I guarantee u will satisfied and tell ur friend about ur experience.

SERI ANGKASA REVOLVING RESTAURANT is the only one restaurant offer KL city night panoramic view. FUH ...! Nice man ..... U now currently enjoy eating at highest place in Malaysia and 2nd in the world.

The unique conditions compare to the ordinary restaurant is;


Special beb.... U can feel the floor move and rotate 360 deg. So, don't need to walk around. Just sit and enjoy ur dinner as long as u can kakakakaka .... Tiba2 gua rase ada kat tempat lain. huhuhu ..... Kadang2 siap lupe kat mane tempat den duduk. Nasib baiklah ada member dok kalu tak alamat silap lah i duduk kat sebelah minah puteh kakaka .... Please remember ur sit place !!!!! kakakaka Don't take is not yours ....

b) KL CITY NIGHT PARANOMIC VIEW + KLCC TOWER with fully covered by light

The important one is u can see KLCC Tower clearly near to u and can take photo shoot as ur background.

But the concept for restaurant is mix. Why i said this? This is because the decoration of restaurant more to west concept. It had candles on the table with RED ROSE and also the waiter and waitress with lounge suit and the girl wore the long skirt. Yet, the dishes mix with malay traditional food and western food plus Japanese dishes - Shashimi. Huhuhu this restaurant not true malay restaurant. Actually, they have two restaurant - another one at the land~RESTAURANT SERI MELAYU at Jalan Conlay, KL. If u truly want to feel Malay traditional foods, SERI MELAYU is the right choose.

What are wanting for? Just only spends RM 157 ( With tax) per person, u can write in your diary as ur "kenang-kenangan" forever. BYe .......... Gud NIght .........

Moral Value : Don't forget to ur sit place yer kakakakakaka

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Apabila Aliens ATTACK BUMI ? Ada kita bersedia huhuhu ... Aku jawab TAK but NASA preparing for us ....

Kehangatan tengok citer terbaru ....WORLD INVASION-BATTLE LOS ANGELES.. WOW ! Aku memang layan citer type sebegini action + science fiction huhuhu . Sok cadang nak layan tengok kat ALAMANDA, Putrajaya hari nie . Pernah tak pembaca2 terfikir kalu betui lah terjadi sebeginikan . "ARE WE DO PREPARATION FOR THIS ATTACK? kakaka dengan mudah aku jawab 3 huruf jerk - TAK kakakakakaka . Kadang2 orang puteh nie wat citer , diorang akan membuat kajian dengan pakar2 dan scientist yang "alim" dengan "makhluk hijau" nie . Sebab 2 kenape kiter tengok citer orang puteh die nyer feels peh Gua cakap lu beb mantap. Depa nyer movie berada dalam kelas tersendiri berbanding dengan filem tempatan. Their story has knowledge basis and add logic imagination ideas for made a movie chronology become life and "SYOK" huhuhu ...


So, disebabkan kegemaran den suka mengkaji. Pagi2 orang dok syok2 tdor den pon "SYOK" cari apakah yang dilakukan oleh dunia khususnya NASA bagi menghadapi situasi sebegini huhuhu. 2 lah cape yang dok asyik benci Amerika sepatunya kadang kene berterima kasih kat depa kerana banyak technologies yang depa develop untuk protect kite dan kite gune saban hari tanpa kiter sedar. Kadang2 kite as Muslim, we always said we hate America . Macam2 slogan "GO THE HELL AMERICA" kakaka. Kadang2 aku tersenyum sendirian, we must ask our self; WHAT IS MY CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOCIETY ? WHAT I DO FOR THE WORLD? Huhuhu .......

Bagi pandangan den lah aku benci AMERICA POLICY to MUSLIM COUNTRY; AFGANISTAN , IRAQ . They double standard to us. They close their eyes about what ISRAEL done to PALESTINIAN . Armies killed children,women and innocent people without feel any sympathy. Dasar kaper ..... Memang takkan senang selagi kite ikut cakap depa. DAMN ISRAEL !! kakakakakaka GO TO THE HELL ZIONIST !!!! kakakaka nie bru betui bro ... Aku tak benci rakyat Amerika . Cuma gua benci rakyat Amerika yang jahat2 belaka macam BUSH 2 kakakaka.

Fuh!!!!! Penuh perasaan lak kakakakaka . Sambung citer balik. Berikut antara persedian yang depa lakukan huhuhu; takjub aku sebagai FREELANCE TECHNOLOGY ANALYST kakakaka;

1) HUBBLE TELESCOPE - Teropong besau tok skodeng aliens

Jangan asyik skodeng perempuan jer tau . kakakakakaa ... Jeling2 skit2 sude...huhuhu. Strategy untuk tewas kan musuh mestilah kite kene intip ape depa wat? Apa kelengkapan senjata depa?So, dengan ada nyer HUBBLE telescope nie kite dapat lihat hidupan lain kat ruang angkasa dengan lebih jelas berbanding teropong kat bumi yang diganggu oleh awan dan lapisan atmosfera bumi . Sebab prinsip teleskop macam mate gak , kalu korang mau tengok awek kan . Tiba ada kawan lu halang , mesti tak nampak awek ngan jelas huhuhu . Ko pi skit !! kakakaka 2 ibarat awan . Lapisan atmosfera akan disturb cahaya yang masuk dalam telescope dan akan ganggu proses cerapan. Kalu nak tau lebih lanjut hal teropong korang cari lah sendiri yer kakaka. Telescope nie digunakan untuk mencari ET-Extraterrestrial Life kat luar sane. Dibangunkan dilancarkan pada 1990 oleh firma AMERIKA-PerkinElmer, Inc . Kat bawah nie ada gambau telekop 2 . Antara gambau famous yang dapat diskodeng pakcik HUBBLE adalah;

Pillars Of Creation

Oily Red Rose Nebula-Kematian bintang

Rupanyer ada termaktup dalam Al-Quran beb, berkenaan kematian bintang. Serupa dengan gambau kat atas nie ;
فَإِذَا ٱنشَقَّتِ ٱلسَّمَآءُ فَكَانَتۡ وَرۡدَةً۬ كَٱلدِّهَانِ
Maka apabila langit terbelah dan menjadi merah mawar seperti [kilapan] minyak.

Ar Rahman (55): 37

Sources : Wikipedia dan Al-Habib Info

2) SETI Institute (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)-Pasang telinga dengau aliens wat ape

Institut nie keje die , hantau radio signal dengan harapan alien akan balas. Tapi harapan tinggal harapan. Sampai sekarang "CINTA" tak terbalas. Ape nak balas awek alien pon takde taste ngan manusia kakakakaka. Cadangan untuk menghantar isyarat radio ke luar bumi oleh NICOLA TESLA merupakan jurutera berasal dari SERBIA. Mamat nie kalu cape pernah belajau fizik form 5 akan tau nama unit untuk magnetic field density~Tesla huhuhu. Hipotesis nie dibuat pada tahun 1896 dan dapat direalisasikan pada 1984 . Lamo 2 .......... Kalu den ada idea pada tahun nie , cadangan den leh diterima after den pass away ....kakaka . Nie untuk cadangan yang belum mampu dibina untuk teknologi zaman 2011 lah. 2 lah kenape depa tak balas isyarat kite, mungkin depa tak berminat kot . Awek dah pakai handset iPhone ; gune MMS . Pakwe lak dok gune handset nokia 3310. Ape barang beb .... Malas ar awek 2 nak layan kan kakakakakaka. Maybe technologi depa laji jauh terkehadapan atau pon mungkin alien tak wujud pon ada kemungkinan gak. Tetapi menurut PROF STEPHEN HAWKING, dalam buku nyer BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME, kerja menghantar isyarat 2 keje bodoh. Kenape mamat nie kate begitu kerana kite dedahkan kedudukan bumi kepada musuh. Entahlah if this institute still have credibility to continue or not. Tetapi orang puteh nie tak reti menyerah kalah still gak nak teruskan . Now, they got private fund. Gambatei Kudasai . Ano alien-des wa imaskah .... Den pon tak tahu .

Nak tau tak tempat James Bond berlakon mase dalam filem GOLDEN EYE merupakan tempat radio telescope yang diberi nama Arecibo Observatory. Gambau die ada kat bawah nie...

3) Large Hydron Collider-LHC

Merupakan antara physic instrumentation yang terbesar pernah dicipta oleh manusia. 38 tahun nak ambik mase nak cipta benda nie. Tujuan cipta benda nie adalah untuk membuktikan Teori asas physic (Physic Fundamental) yang masih belum terbukti secara eksperimental walaupon teori nya dah tertulis berkurun lamenyer. Antara teori yang penting masih lom terbukti adalah Teori Kerelatifan Einstein dan juga Big Bang Teori yang menerang asal usul kejadian alam. Peh ........ Kenapa penting untuk mengetahui semua teori asas ini. Kerana semua benda kat dunia nie dicipta berdasarkan unit asas yang dipanggil ATOM. Dulu kalu korang ingat kalu belajau sains tingkatan 3 unit asas bagi segala benda adalah atom. So, kaluler manusia dapat mengusai ilmu berkenaan ATOM nie maka memudahkan manusia mencipta alat dan teknologi canggih seperti dalam Star Wars dan movie fiksyen lain. Antara artis yang gua minat ar merangkap icon untuk LHC nie ialah BRIAN COX. Mamat nie bukan sahaja sempoi tapi power beb. Die antara Top Physicist kat LHC dan merupakan bekas kumpulan penyanyi DARE. huhuhu tak semestinya orang jenis brilliant nie kadang2 skema beb. Tapi mempunyai gaye tersendiri yang diminati ramai kakakakaka ( NIE KALU AWEK DENGAU NIE CAIR ..........kakakakakaka)


Bersama buah hati merangkap bini kakakaka

huhu sebenarnyer banyak lagi preperation yng telah dibuat tetapi kalu bab macam nie mesti termasuk dalam CONFIDENTIAL issue. So, tidak boleh didedahkan kepada masyarakat umum. Everything product under R & D is under top secret maaaaaaaa especially military product.

a)Strategic Defense Initiative-SDI
c) Aurora (Aircraft)

Takyah korang cari nak tengok dan dapatkan true picture memang takkan jumpe. Huhuhu sama jugak case with industrial product; u know the product will coming on next year but actual product characteristic still unknown. We as R&D member cannot open every single information to public until product mass production. huhuhu .... Menjaga kerahsiaan satu kemestian beb....kakakaka .

Moral Value : Amerika kan nak jadi hero dunia. Macam die lak tuan kat dunia nie huhuhuhu ...

10 tips for backpackers

10 tips for backpackers
Good Tips as Traveling Man ..........

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Bile Kenduri Beramai2 .... Gua keseorangan kakakaka ...

Seperti biasa laptop menjadi teman baik den, tiap2 malam hidup dengan laptop. Tanpa laptop dan tenet rase tak sempurna hidup sebagai generasi muda era Millennium nie. Dulu kalu zaman sekolah kene wat karangan autobiografi, mesti tajuk die ; "Saya sebuah pen, Saya sebuah beg, Saya ....#####" . So, seharusnya guru2 disekolah mesti menukar tajuk yang lebih signifikasi berdasarkan peredaran zaman huhuhu". "Saya sebuah komputer riba", "Saya sebuah telefon bimbit - iPhone" kakakaka ... Bru mengancamkan ...... huhuhu .. Kalu ikut kan karangan autobiografi mesti ada pengakhiran; kene buang lah , rosaklah ;ayat die lebih kurang gini;

"Kini, aku tidak berguna lagi. Tuanku sudah mempunyai teman baru yang lebih canggih dan berguna dari aku. Baktiku kepada tuanku sampai ke penghujungnya .......bla...bla ..."

Haha 2 lah ibarat laptop den yang kian menjangkau usia, tetapi tetap setia bersama den menjadi teman dikala malam yang sunyi kakakaka. 5 tahun beb laptop den nie. Nak beli baru pon membazir kat office pakai laptop office. Baik beli lain lagi bagus huhuhu...ALHAMDULILAH tak rosak2. Semoga laptop kesayangan den nie mampu bertahan sehingga den ada "TEMAN" baru nanti kakakakakaka seperti citer kat atas td huhuhu .....

Berbalik citer as title post, bile time cuti sekolah jer mesti banyak undangan perkahwinan. Dari dulu sampai sekarang, orang kalu nak kawen mesti pilih time cuti sekolah. Hahaha tapi kali nie berbeza skit, tahun nie paling "bahgia" buat member2 den yang bergelar bujang. Depa pilih tahun 2011 sebagai tahun KENDURI BERAMAI2 kakakakaka ... Sekali 3 orang member kat office den kawen tahun nie . Apeleh wat orang tua kate, dah sampai seru. Bile sampai time, jangan lengah2. Rasulullah pon ada bersabda;

“Wahai para pemuda, sesiapa yang sudah bersedia berkahwin, hendaklah dia segera berkahwin. Sesungguhnya perkahwinan itu boleh menghalang pandangan (kepada yang dilarang oleh agama) dan memlihara kehormatan. Dan barangsiapa yang tidak sanggup, hendaklah dia berpuasa. Sesungguhnya puasa itu adalah perisai baginya”. (H.R Bukhari & Muslim).

Apeleh wat tinggal lah den kat office 2 sebagai status BUJANG SENANG kakakakakaka . So, kecoh ar kat office 2 citer pasal kawen. Kadang, syok gak kawan ngan orang dah kawen nie. We can learn something from them. Leh gak ar belajau skit2 selok belok orang dah "pengalaman" nie and "skills2" yang sepatutnyer ke kakakakaka ...

Sebenarnyer den nak citer pasal kad kawen yang den terima dari kawan2 den nie. Macam2 jenis kad kawen skang. Tak same macam dulu. Lagi lawa and colouful , unique lagi mahal harga kad . Kadang2 yang berkemampuan 2, leh habes around RM 2000 - RM 3000 just for invitation card.

~ Beza kad Dulu2 dan Sekarang

Mulakan dulu2 1st:

a) Hanya sekeping kad berbentuk segiempat tepat
b) Warna hanya satu warna
c) Di tulis dengan black color font
d) Hanya satu belah pihak sahaja-kad kawen lelaki & pompuan lain2 kad

Kad kawen sekarang;

a) Pelbagai size dan pelbagai bentuk mengikut citerasa dan $ kakakaka
b) Lebih colorful
c) With Interesting graphical - not too wordy
d) Kad bersama - Pengantin lelaki dan perempuan gune kad yang same.

Tapi yang penting design kad sekarang lebih lawa dan menarik berbanding kad dulu2 lah. Nak pergi pon berselera lah walaupon tak tahu lagi majlis perkahwinan macam mane nanti.

Disini ada den kasi contoh kad kawan den nie, satu nie memang sempoi ar, gambau kartun jadi perhiasan dalam kad;

Yang nie lak nampak romantik skit ar kan ada bunga2. Biasa ar , setiap orang lain citer rase. Citerase bergantung pada sifat peribadi seseorang tersebut. Mat bunga member den nie kot kakakakakakaka.... (Senyap2 sude, die tak tahu pon den kutuk die nie kakakaka).

Kad bawah nie ada link untuk Card Maker. Dari semurah2 kad hinggalah semahal2 kad . Leh lah pilih mane satu pilihan hati. Janji duit mesti ada, kalu takde wat gune PHOTOSHOP dan photosetit jer jimat. Orang bukan simpan pon kad kan, lepas kawen orang buang kakakakakakaka.

Tapi sebenarnya kad invitation melambangkan betape exclusivenyer perkahwinan 2. Antara kad maker yang famous;


Banyak kad kawin den pernah tengok,nie lah paling menarik dan esklusif dari segi shape dan design untuk setiap template kad yang ditawarkan. Harga pon berpatutan mengikut berape banyak bilangan kad tempahan. Lagi banyak kad ditempat, kurang ar skit harga die. Leh lah tengok lebih lanjut kad website die.

2) KAD KAWIN.COM-Kanda & Dinda Wedding Cards

Nama hampir serupa tapi lain. Lagi design and shape susah nak diulaskan sebab kesemua maker yang yang disenarai mempunyai rekabentuk tersendiri. So, korang sendiri make the judgement ar. Yang penting lokasi kedai die nie kat PUCHONG sementara kad atas 2 di HENTIAN KAJANG, BANGI. 2 2 kad Selangor huhuhu .... Dok selangor memang masyuk, everything is latest one and always keep up to date.


Untuk sesiapa yang hanya mempunyai budget yang kecil tapi masih mempunyai sedikit citerase leh lah pilih kedai nie. So far, design die OK but the shape and size is simple standard rectangular . Pilihan kad die kurang ar berbanding dengan yang 2 yang atas 2.

Huhu bagi yang nak bagi gift kat kawan yang nak wedding 2 leh usha2 kat HEARTH BEAT. Banyak gift yang ditawarkan seperti Photo Mug , Cushion , Photo Card dan banyak lagi ar. Seperti den yang suka perkara pelik dan tak suka terlalu stereotype memang tertarik tengok gift dan sourvenir yang dijual. Nak bagi hadiah kat buah hati pon ok gak, gerenti die sukar nyer ar. PRICE still cheap and reasonable. Link website ada banner atas sekali 2 . Scroll up sampai takleh nanti nampak banner 2. huhuhu ......

Sebelum den tutup post nie, sebelum kawen 2 nak juga kene tau kan persediaan yang perlu sebelum melangkah ke alam "kebahgiaan" kakakakaka. As conclusion, invitation card also include in wedding sub-budget. Make estimation 1st as our reference before the time coming huhuhu ..

Moral Value : Bukan senang mau kawen oooo......

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Now, everybody know about TSUNAMI happened to JAPAN on 11 MARCH 2011 (Yesterday). Actually, TSUNAMI words come from JAPAN words. The term tsunami comes from the Japanese, meaning "harbor" (tsu, ) and "wave" (nami, )- WIKIPEDIA SOURCE.

This disaster will be state in history of Japan as one of sad story and also in the world . Based on UTUSAN MALAYSIA and GLOBAL POST, this time TSUNAMI tragedy was one of biggest TSUNAMI since 140 years ago .


Huhuhu based on my knowledge got during my school time reading , at HAWAI island had one center that gives tsunami warning alert to Asia Pacific Region. The center name is PASIFIC TSUNAMI WARNING CENTER-PWTC. Before country at Asia develop their own warning system, they too much depend on PWTC. After we got TSUNAMI on 2008,we develop our own warning system that provided by ATSB Sdn. Bhd ( If i not mistake ...huhuhu).

Source : NOAA

Report from PWTC show that MALAYSIA is SAFE from TSUNAMI . On the image below show potential area for all region.

Only 1 warning nearest to our country, at number 5. The place is at BALI sea but no warning alert release because the earth quake origin too dept from sea level . U can look the report at my TUMBLR post.

For our alert, we can FREE subscribe by email for TSUNAMI alert if prediction happen at our region.

Moral Value : We can predict but the actual we don't know dude....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

English House Design Styling ..... My Dream.......huhuhu

From kid time until now, i like the English Style House. When I look from movie and also from blogs , I felt very peaceful .Why? Why? and Why? Is it because i life with same surrounding , as me life in malay community . So , when i see new environment, i like to know and get into it and feel it ..huhuhu ... Maybe kot..but . I think a lot of info about this world still "hidden" for me. Terlalu luas alam ciptaan Allah S.W.T. Rase mau explore semuanya walaupun tak mampu.

Actually,we as malaysian just take care news about our region only and ignore others . If we look from European, they like to explore. Exploration as medium for open the secret of creation.From my past experience as research assistant for Gelatine Project during my university time, i need to collaborate with scientist from Netherland; His name is A.H Grobben . Mamat nie tahu 5 bahasa beb ....... Power tak power mamat nie kan. Dibuatkan cerita, one day during afternoon break, aku teman lah die nie gi hisap cencorot. Walaupon tak tahan bau cencorot 2, tapi tahan je ar name pon asisstant kan. So, i ask him personally, prof why u come to Malaysia for help us?is it just got good offer pay by my prof ? ........ Then, he reply : "huk huk huk " (Batuk2 skit hisap cencorot) kakakaka .... I more to help and give contribution to others. When they need my expertise , i must help them. For ur information, this is not 1st time i come to Malaysia. Huhuhu after i heard this WOW ! What kind of people like this, enjoy for knowledge sharing..... Tiap2 hari den hantar pergi dan balik die ke hotel huhuhu .Macam2 den tanye kat die . Habes citer pasal mamat nie . Gi bukak paragraph baru ......kakakaa

Back to the topic , English House simple for me but really interesting the way they decorate their space. huhuhu from my point of view ;

a) The space not too large but has many partition

b) White color theme

c) Modern + Classic

d) Romantic kakakaka .....

Rase macam nak wat umah macam 2 jer beb tapi $ kakakakaka but that not mean we can't get it forever. I attached several image not from my capture; just share from my STUMBLR friend. The blog so amazing , the arrangement and the style can't be figured out by mouth.

All the picture is OWN by JAMIE . U can look how nice this talented photographer's blog at http://fromme-toyou.tumblr.com/

Below several image i borrow to promote his website and also to show my crazy to ENGLISH HOUSE;

Nice Hall Space

Huhu so classic and touch my heart huhuhu

Nice bedroom kakakaka . Have "enjoy" mid-night with ur lover ~ wife huhuhu ..........

Most English House use wood type floor . So for mother and sister, u not necessary to spend much money to cover all floor with carpet. Too messy for me ...huhuhuhuhu ... U can use maybe 20 0r 30 year without need to change the wood floor . Only need to polish to re-shine back after long time used.

Kakaka English Girl also White kakakakakaka..... This is picture of famous FASHION DESIGNER ; KATIE ERMILIO. Cun tak? puteh gak 2 huhuhu .......

Huhu nice Rest Space . Rest ur mind after "squeeze" ur brain huhuhu ....

Rabbit ........... In House ......

Dining room .... Simple and simple ... with large sliding door

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST ; happy family with cute child ... spend ur life with them in the temporary world. Make it TRUE as possible as u can; Insyallah the god always with the person who always try to make life better and always grateful . huhuhu ... Just from me tonight, leak of energy , focus for tomorrow and forever .........

MORAL VALUE : Human is unique creation ; design with full of passion but the mind still belong to the god . Satisfaction is very important for everybody especially if u are as designer huhuhu ..........

@ ALL PICTURE COPYRIGHT TO JAMIE . U CAN VIEW HER WEBSITE AT http://fromme-toyou.tumblr.com/. I just want to promote and share his beautiful page . Knowledge is sharing , sharing is caring.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I'm not musician ..... 25 % MUSICAL INSTRUMENT discount voucher LELONG !!!!!

Music and human was synonym. For me, sometimes when u alone u need something to cheer ur life. So, whatever song u heard up to u but the message from the song more important. If the song too much deeply to understand i not like it. Music for enjoy and not to spend a lot of energy to think.....huhuhu.....


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More information - Can look at this website